Compucom News - The Better the IT, the Hybrid Employee Experience

The Better the IT, the Better the Hybrid Employee Experience

According to a recent survey conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Compucom better technology can lead to more engaged — and thus more productive — employees. Almost 9 out of 10 (89%) respondents at companies with 1,000-plus employees agree that satisfaction and retention would increase if companies invested more in their technology and support.

Compucom Blog - Better Tech, Better Teams

Better Tech, Happier Teams

It was a long time coming, but well worth the wait: our first Advisor Day at Compucom since the pandemic!

In an exciting in-person meeting of the minds — attended by experts from some of the leading analyst firms in the industry — we explored how the digital workplace has changed, why the employee technology experience is so critical, and how we’re optimizing the experience to help customers succeed.

Compucom Blog - Employees want convenient technology experiences

Employees Want Convenient Technology Experiences

Imagine the ease of selecting a new work laptop from an app on your phone instead of a clunky technology procurement process. The instant gratification of an “order shipped” notification.
The reassuring feeling when a new hire contacts the IT service desk via chat and gets answers immediately.