People collaborating with a city in the background

Building Trust Through Partnerships

Trust is like glass. It is fragile, easily broken, and almost impossible to put back together once shattered. The same is true of business partnerships. But if built right and handled with care, partnerships can be highly beneficial, robust, and long-lasting. 

Compucom Blog - Effective DEX Prioritizes Users

Effective DEX Prioritizes Users

Good Digital Employee Experience (DEX) is more than a “nice to have” that will help retain and attract talent; it underpins many top business initiatives. Consider the priority of many businesses today: resilience — the ability “to deal with adversity, to withstand shock, and to adapt fast.”  

Compucom Blog - Experience Technology Support

Experience, Technology, Support

Just like when well-meaning sweethearts fall short of understanding what their partner needs to “feel the love,” your enterprise could be missing the boat when it comes to understanding the right actions to keep your best and brightest.